Lairs and Candles

Deep in the cold; down by the river side.
I spy the music stand that let’s my dreams take flight.
Around the room candles, candles light the way.
Light the world so that i could see music,
the one he wrote for me and so that all could see,
the sheet that lays before my eyes for his music to reunite.
As I stand before this, these notes on paper,
stare around the cave: the lake, the river bank, even the giant throne. And still yet to see is the musical instrument that all is afraid to hear.
Once I turned to strike back in fear;

That the Phantom of the Opera is here
But to think this is different he’s no longer in my mind,
He’s Here
Running out pass the mirror that held me in,
trapped without anything.
Staring at the reflection of me;
suddenly a candle appears and the light is bright,
bright enough to see the Phantom.
To see the Phantom put it out.

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