
What’s food? I’ll tell you. Food is my best friend and what is that you ask— why? I’ll tell you why.

Most other girls are obsessed with things like clothes and shoes— but who cares food is a one of a kind. I mean have them try to live with no food— how would you live? Hint: you won’t.

You could live days— weeks— even years with food— but sadly only a little with just cute outfits. And that folks is why food is my best friend.

4 thoughts on “Food

  1. What’s your favourite? I love haggis pakora!! Hey there. I’m your mentor from SCOTLAND UK and I’ll visit you often. Keep it interesting! I’m a Spanish teacher and I blog for the department.

    See you soon,

    • Hi, to answer your question my favorite thing to eat is pretty much any dessert that is out there. Thank You I’ll be waiting for your next comment.

  2. FOOD!! I would choose food over anything, over clothes, over presents, even over summer. Food is amazing, like bacon, icecream, bacon icecream, etc.

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